CBS Radio/People of distinction: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/b2b897ec-7656-4c30-8edc-1ee9de4cab76/episodes/715c9c87-0842-4a11-9751-846363a38cf5/people-of-distinction-tech-takeover-a-dystopian-tale-of-control
Keeping it real on Purpose: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GU6zEzIC_94&t=13s
Winston-Salem Journal: Local man publishes book on finding peace
NOWCAST WXII TV: https://www.wxii12.com/article/nc-winston-salem-mans-student-in-ukraine-helps-families-find-refuge-amid-war/43049305
UN-CAPED HEROS _ The Podcast: # 528 w Herb Burns by UN-CAPED HEROES - The Podcast
Three Men for Thee: https://3-mft.fireside.fm/
Radio interview on the C.L. Bryant Show: https://soundcloud.com/clbryantshow/herb-burns-jr-032519
Radio interview on Kingdom Pursuits: Listen now.
Radio interview on the Truth Network (NC FM 97.7/99.1): https://www.truthnetwork.com/show/kingdom-pursuits-robby-dilmore/6528/
Radio Interview on the Truth Network. Truth Talk with Stu Epperson (NC FM 97.7/99.1): https://www.truthnetwork.com/show/truth-talk-stu-epperson/25898/
Radio Interview on WBFJ 89.3FM: https://soundcloud.com/user-160165404/never-stop-teaching-and-leading-with-herb-burns-jr
Radio interview with Stu Eperson on Truth Talk: https://sites.libsyn.com/90582/the-towers
Bridging The Gap: https://www.truthnetwork.com/show/bridging-the-gap-dwayne-cannady/67851/
Song Inspired by the author's books: Music link
This song title was triggered by book titles written by my friend Herb Burns and includes some of the things he writes about. Song created by author and song writer Ken Patrick: Ken Patrick