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Book Reviews
Route 66-Have you found your Route in life.
Dr. Gary Chapman (author 5 Love Languages) “I don’t know of another book that connects people with the Bible by use of beautiful digital paintings and real-world application. I predict that Route 66 will be a legacy book passed from generation to generation.”
Dean Brior (author) “Beautiful imagery that brings the Bible to life! Thanks, Herb, for putting your gifts to work for the Lord!”
Vicki Snodgrass "I read Route 66 daily and each entry has a special meaning to what's going on in this world. The devotions give me hope!" A great book for believers!”
Avalene Pegrem “After reading Mr. Burns' book, "Route 66," we were extremely impressed and purchased several books as Christmas gifts for our family and friends. To our knowledge, there is no other book on the market quiet like this one. The way each book of the Bible is condensed into easy reading, and along with life applications, would be beneficial to everyone. Also, the digital paintings in each book would be especially of interest to young children as well. Needless to say, it would be a great addition to any Christian Library.”
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Ken Patrick (author) “Herb you and I started writing about the positive things long before this disease showed up...thank you for helping spread God's words”
Diann Ostrander Burgess “Fabulous!!”👏🌟
Bill Barr “Congrats. Interesting artwork as well as commentaries.”
For immediate release:
Author's new book receives a warm literary welcome.
Readers' Favorite announces the review of the Christian - Devotion/Study book "Route 66" by Herbert I. Burns, currently available at:
Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OLqs91GTFM
Readers' Favorite is one of the largest book review and award contest sites on the Internet. They have earned the respect of renowned publishers like Random House, Simon & Schuster, and Harper Collins, and have received the "Best Websites for Authors" and "Honoring Excellence" awards from the Association of Independent Authors. They are also fully accredited by the BBB (A+ rating), which is a rarity among Book Review and Book Award Contest companies."
5 Stars - Congratulations on your 5-star review!
Reviewed By: Mamta Madhavan for Readers' Favorite
Route 66: Have you found your route in life? by Herbert I. Burns Jr. is a handy guide for all those readers who want to have a better understanding of each of the 66 books of the Bible, and their implications for life. The author uses a unique approach to capture one of the key messages in each book. Each book of the Bible deals with more than one topic and the author shares the messages which spoke to him. As the old saying goes, 'A picture is worth a thousand words,' and is also proof of the creativity of God. These paintings are a good way for parents to help their children understand the messages easily and this book is a good manual for readers to find their lost route and get back on track.
There is a lot for readers to learn from the Bible, yet there are not many readers who have read the contents of the Bible properly. Route 66 gives them a better perception and the manner in which the topic has been tackled makes it an interesting and engaging book to read. This book by Herbert I. Burns Jr. can be used in Bible classes to expose students to the basic teachings of the Bible without making it too preachy and boring. Route 66 teaches a lot of things; how to pray, be grateful and thankful, help others, and be careful with actions and words. This is a good tool to lead readers to Christ and make them feel and experience life in a way that has never happened before."
You can learn more about Herbert I. Burns and "Route 66" at https://readersfavorite.com/book-review/route-66 where you can read reviews and the author’s biography, as well as connect with the author directly or through their website and social media pages or his website at www.herbburns.com .
Never stop asking discovering and sharing.
“Never Stop! Asking—Discovering—Sharing means it! Never Stop is transitional and transformational. Burns invites readers to make a transition from where they have been to be being actively transformational with their lives. Anecdotes from real lives woven as a tapestry of guideposts in an encouraging journey of transition, discovery and positive personal affirmation draw the reader into a new outlook. Four Thumbs Up.”
John Moormann, Emmy winning TV Producer and Educator
“Never Stop! Asking, Discovering, and Sharing is an excellent piece of work. Mr. Burns, through personal experience and a series of wrong turns, never gave up on his vision and passion to accomplish his long-term goal of becoming an architect. Amazing how a T square can change one’s life. Throughout the book, Mr. Burns encourages students and adults to never give up on their dreams.” Clif Arnold, Associate pastor Becks Baptist Church (retired)
“Never Stop is a detailed presentation of a three-tiered formula for a meaningful, rewarding life illustrated first by the authors autobiography, then the testimonies of that formula at work in numerous other peoples’ lives, and based on a foundation of the Holy Scriptures of the Christian faith Mr. Burns has found relevant for his own life. This is a book not to be read quickly but digested one chapter at a time with time for reflection and consideration as to how what you have read resonates in your own life and living.” Rev. Bob Hicks, retired Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
“Many people go through life not really understanding what we really want or what we need to be successful. In his new book-NEVER STOP, Asking, Discovering, Sharing-Herb Burns teaches us how we too can be successful. Written almost as an autobiography, Mr. Burns talks about his early life, how he matured through the years, and how he became an experienced architect and teacher that he is today through the guidance of his faith in God and of the Holy Spirit. This is the key to successful living! Great piece of work Herb!” John D Valley--Author--RETURN TO LIMESTONE
“I finished your book yesterday. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about your personal journey and that of your friends. The book had incredibly positive vibes and message. The passages you quoted were spot on and very meaningful. The book gave me inspiration in my journey to keep my eyes on God. Congratulations!!!! and thanks for the large print.” Leonard Kiser - retired Dean Engineering Technologies Forsyth Tech CC.
Reviewed By: Mamta Madhavan for Readers’ Favorite
5 Stars - Congratulations on your 5-star review!
Never Stop Asking, Discovering, and Sharing by Herbert I. Burns Jr. is an engaging book that will encourage readers to learn from the stories of others and how they have transformed their lives through the constant acts of asking, discovering, and sharing. The book gives a step-by-step guide for readers to find new discoveries in and for their lives. The author shares his personal stories and experiences and will help readers realize how rewarding and joyful it is to find out about things they did not know. This book is an excellent tool for readers to reflect, look at their talents, their strengths, and their weaknesses, and find the tangible and intangible discoveries.
God has created everyone with a divine purpose and changing this purpose can and will affect the lives of others. The author also discusses his family, his work experiences, gives information about his faith as a questioner and a believer, and also shares the testimonies of others. The life-changing stories are good motivations for readers to ignite growth, regain balance, and make changes in their lives. Herbert I. Burns speaks about a relevant topic in a different way and gives it a fresh outlook. He makes it easy for readers to understand the concepts and incorporate these into their lives. The personal stories of his life lend credibility to his words, and he also speaks about connectivity by interlocking support, togetherness, and success together. Never Stop Asking, Discovering, and Sharing will make readers contemplate their lives, and help them make the necessary changes to achieve a fulfilling life.
God has created everyone with a divine purpose and changing this purpose can and will affect the lives of others. The author also discusses his family, his work experiences, gives information about his faith as a questioner and a believer, and also shares the testimonies of others. The life-changing stories are good motivations for readers to ignite growth, regain balance, and make changes in their lives. Herbert I. Burns speaks about a relevant topic in a different way and gives it a fresh outlook. He makes it easy for readers to understand the concepts and incorporate these into their lives. The personal stories of his life lend credibility to his words, and he also speaks about connectivity by interlocking support, togetherness, and success together. Never Stop Asking, Discovering, and Sharing will make readers contemplate their lives, and help them make the necessary changes to achieve a fulfilling life.
Never Stop Teaching and Leading- Help Heal our Nation
In his second book series on NEVER STOP, Herb Burns sends out a desperate call of unity to all Americans…….HELP HEAL OUR NATION! What teachers, educators and leaders can do and have done to KEEP AMERICA GREAT. But first and foremost, what CHRISTIANS need to do and must do for the sake of our great nation. A great historical lesson for millennials and younger about the true history of America. How it was founded. The blood sweat and tears that shaped it over the past two and half centuries. These are facts you won’t find in today’s history books! 2020 has brought on the greatest cultural change in our nation’s history. It is time to STAND AMERICA! We are a REPUBLIC! This means WE THE PEOPLE! Stand for our rights, our freedoms and for our GOD! Great book Herb!
John D. Valley-Author-Return to Limestone
“…A peregrination with acute profundity!”
Using life-transforming vignettes Herb establishes a solid veritas from the first page of history to the last imperative. A must read for today’s call to use our time, talent, and treasure for good.
John Moormann-Emmy wining TV Producer and Educator
Never before in my lifetime has our nation needed such healing and leadership as we do right now. If you are reading Herb’s book “Never Stop!”, I hope you hear his important message that we can no longer be silent. America needs leaders and teachers who will speak up and lead by example. Herb’s desire is to see America in the 21st century be the nation that God intended us to be. This book is a must read for every American who is discouraged with the corruption in Congress and politics and in my opinion, the failure of our public schools, our churches, and the family. The followers of Christ must be the example for others to follow. Perry G. Hudspeth-CLU,CRPC; LPL Financial Advisor
5 Stars - Congratulations on your 5-star review!
Reviewed By Mamta Madhavan for Readers’ Favorite
Never Stop: Teaching and Leading Help Heal Our Nation by Herbert I. Burns Jr. is an insightful book that makes readers aware of the unhealthy times America as a nation is going through. It is in dire need of healing using the help of leading and teaching. The author's tools are all about involving families, children, work, and faith, and how all this plays a key role in laying the foundations of the republic. The author uses his experience as an educator and looks at the educational structure in America today, and how it is eroding gradually, more and more. The four things the author asks readers to notice and think about are the American flag, an image of the nation's capital, a silhouette image representing leadership, and to look for a cross in the clouds.
Never Stop speaks of the heritage of the nation and how important it is to teach students about it. Herbert I. Burns Jr. gives readers good tips and techniques on what to do to build a strong foundation for their children; to have courage, strength, knowledge, and faith to be productive Americans who will be able to preserve what the founding of the nation was about. The author also speaks about the role of the different types of families in raising children, and how they should be taught discipline and routine at a very young age. The subject has been dealt with extensively so that the full remedy and diagnosis is there for readers to understand.
Never Stop speaks of the heritage of the nation and how important it is to teach students about it. Herbert I. Burns Jr. gives readers good tips and techniques on what to do to build a strong foundation for their children; to have courage, strength, knowledge, and faith to be productive Americans who will be able to preserve what the founding of the nation was about. The author also speaks about the role of the different types of families in raising children, and how they should be taught discipline and routine at a very young age. The subject has been dealt with extensively so that the full remedy and diagnosis is there for readers to understand.
Never Stop-Pursuing God's Mission and Vision for You.
Book Reviews
What would happen if every Christian reached his or her potential for God and good in the world? I can only imagine! Whatever your age, God wants to use your life to accomplish His purposes. Life is lived one step at a time. Each step leads us closer to God and his plans for our lives, or further from God. Herb Burn’s book: NEVER STOP Pursuing God’s Mission and Vision for You, will help you move in the right direction. I highly recommend it to all who seek to invest their lives for Christ and His Kingdom
Gary D. Chapman, author of - The 5 Love Languages
The author sets the stage for the reader to establish habits to identify your gift(s) and develop them to the fullest. Utilizing examples of real-life experiences, he provides proof how God changes willing hearts and uses them to provide direction for others to live life with Christ. Information in this book re-enforces the need for self-examination and acceptance of truth of where you are vs. where God would have you be. It challenges you to deliberately take time in a quiet place and listen closely to that “still small voice”, then act on the impressions God leaves in your mind and heart. The contents of this book will definitely affect you no matter where you are in your relationship with God. The book is outstanding and sure to positively affect whoever reads it.
Kenneth Allen Patrick – Author & Poet
As I read after Brother Burns, I have discovered that God has given him a special gift…. the gift of introspection, that is the ability to honestly access himself and the wisdom to pass on how to do this to others. You will find much good advice in “Never Stop Pursuing God’s Mission and Vision for You” especially in the section where he addresses scripture and application. You will either learn for the first time or revisit such topics as how to Engage, Enrich, Enlighten and Encourage yourself and others. I highly recommend this book for any Christian regardless of where they happen to be in their walk with God.
Jack Bales – Founder of the podcast “Three Men for Thee” & Bible fellowship teacher
In his latest book, Herb Burns again exhorts us to “Never Stop”. I hope that Herb never stops giving us these practical, heartfelt challenges to the pursuit of understanding, and following with urgency, God’s plan for our lives. As Herb says, “what are we waiting for?” His interspersed calls to action require readers to look in the mirror and self-reflect on what God is calling us to do, and even more importantly, who to be, in His plan and purpose. The testimonies of real-life journeys add layers of application to the core message of persistence and determination to follow God’s unique design for each of us. Anyone who knows Herb personally, understands that his life is the embodiment of his writings. That is perhaps the greatest endorsement of all.
Alan D. Cole- - President ParcWest LDT
“ROUTE 66, Have You Found Your Route in Life? “Devotional book. The daily readings and especially the artwork is encouraging, carrying one all the way through the Word of God in a brief time.
Tom Phillips - Billy Graham Evangelistic Association-Senior Advisor - Will Graham
The Towers - In a world you could not imagine!
Book Reviews
“Thrilling, fast paced and provocative. Pulling from recent events, Herb Burns has given us a glimpse of what America’s near future may be. This is one of the rare books that I read in one sitting. The Towers is a book you won’t be able to put down. This is a must read!
~ Dr. Chris Hughes Chairman of The Citizens for America Foundation.Herb has blessed us again in this new book! Fasten your seatbelt and get ready for a thrilling ‘reading ride’! The Towers has a compelling narrative filled with many rich, relevant, redemptive life lessons that will inspire your faith and stimulate your intellect. I read Herbs book in one sitting-all I can say is ‘Wow!’. Apocalyptic, entertaining, prophetic and inspiring are just a few of the words that come to mind. You’ll want to share a copy with friends and loved ones! Can’t wait to share a copy of ‘The Towers’ with my teen and college age kids! I found it to be entertaining, but also a sobering ‘wake up call’ to the many modern subversive attacks on the faith.”
Stu Epperson Jr -President, Truth Network & Author, First Words of JesusAs a reader, I don't normally gravitate toward science-fiction, but Herb's newest book, The Tower, grabbed my attention from the first page. While Mark is left trying to navigate "a world we could not imagine," the author imagines this world for us and in doing so pulls readers into a mystery that will keep the pages turning. Bravo!
Dr. Nathan Moore - Pastor at Calvary Church
A Quote Could lead the way.
Herb Burns is a friend I first met at Bryan Station High School, Lexington, Kentucky in the early 1960’s. He was a great athlete then and a committed Christian to this day. Not only does he write and speak about how to live life as a Christian, but he also lives it by example. This book of quotes is well thought out and well planned. It not only can be a book of reference to pastors and teachers, but it is also great as a book of daily devotions. He has mastered expressions of personal examples while utilizing scripture to back up his intentions to influence and cause the reader to act in ways that cause others to consider becoming Christians as well as growing in Christ. My prayer is that God will bless and continue to use Herb in his quest to “go into the world and spread the Gospel”.
Author: Ken Patrick, Richmond, Kentucky
Do you need a quick "pick me up" because the storehouse of your motivation and excitement in life is empty? Do you need a short word of encouragement that can counter other's negative thoughts towards you? Would only hearing or reading a brief word of hope give you courage and confidence to face your day's challenge? Herb Burns’ latest book, A Quote Could Lead the Way, can help you as a wellspring of brief affirmations based on the depth of his life experiences and Christian faith. You may choose to read each quote one day at a time, but you may also not be able to stop at just one! This is good reading for young people especially, but also for people of all ages, circumstances, and complexities of life who just need a positive thought that can enrich every sort of day." --
Bob Hicks, Christian pastor, retired
Herb and I met at a Bible study about 3 years ago. Before I knew of his background in architecture, I knew that he was a man of keen intellect and ingenuity. Herb’s brilliancy spills over into his writings, he takes a unique approach to convey sound, Biblical logic. Herb’s passion for motivating people and reaching the lost is front and center in his new book, A Quote Could Lead the Way. God loves to use very simple straight forward methodology to communicate profound truth to people who are lost, depressed, and sometimes at critical points. This book will speak to the CEO or the least. It is a message you can’t afford to miss. I am always asking myself what is God trying to tell me today? God will speak to you right through Herb’s new book. Herb packs profound truth. Stay tuned to God through Herb’s quote for the day.
Fred Hege-Author Give Em Jesus
A few observations on this most amazing book. Your other works are good, but this ONE is special, and may I say, spectacular. The number of quotes is astounding. You know how I love alliteration, so the ones using alliteration like "PEACE: PRAISE, EVERLASTING, ALMIGHTY, CHRIST, EVERMORE are super! Being able to add the BIBLICAL CONNECTION to each one is genius. I should have expected it, but the seasonal ones are a nice touch. All in all, I must say this is the best yet. God bless you and this wonderful work. Can't wait to get a copy.
“Punchy, practical and profound! Thank you, brother Herb, for blessing us again with a wonderful new book. Love the quotes, the scriptures and the author’s endearing passion to take us all deeper in our journey with Christ!”
Q N I N E T Y - N I N E “Never stop pursuing Gods vision and mission for you”
This one’s been growing on Me as well. —-it reminds me of the author 😊. Brother-what a blessing!! Your book is really a gift to us all! Let’s do an interview for truth talk at the right time. This is one of those legacy books you’ll want to pass down to your family and friends for Sure!
Stu Epperson
Author, Last Words of Jesus
President, The Truth Network
Herb Burns has again penned a wonderfully readable and totally uplifting book for the pure enjoyment of quiet contemplation. Each quote is tied to a thoughtful narrative and anchored by scripture. It can be a great source for a morning devotion, an evening wind down or a time of relaxation, anytime.
In a world of high anxiety and hypertension, here is a refreshing respite to remind us that simple pleasures are often the most overlooked parts of life. And those timeless truths are surely the best medicine in the worrisome time and place in which we live.
Alan D. Cole – President ParcWest LTD
When I was a child, my mother would often hand me an apple and say, “An apple a day will keep the doctor away.” After reading this book I would like to say, “A Quote a day may keep failure away.” I predict that if you let this book be your companion for 100 days you will find your life greatly enriched.
Gary Chapman, Ph.D. Author of “The 5 Love Languages”

About the Author
Herbert I. Burns Jr. is an award-winning Christian author, artist, architect, public speaker, educator, and international collaborator, who is driven by his calling to share God’s Word through his life experiences and those of others, as he provides pathways to find a meaningful and fulfilling life for yourself and your loved ones.
He received a B.A Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Kentucky in Lexington KY, and a Master of Science in Interior Design from UNCG in Greensboro.
The author has over 39 years’ experience teaching and leading at the college level, and has received numerous awards for excellence in teaching, and leadership in education and technology. He has created and taught over a dozen new courses relating to architecture, animation, and digital design and is recognized as an innovator in those fields. He has spoken internationally as a guest lecturer on digital design, architecture, sustainability, and best business practices in Finland, Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. Mr. Burns was also a Fulbright Scholar. He was a Member of first U.S. Delegation to complete a certificate of training in Russian business, law, culture, and economics at the Gazprom College of Oil and Gas in Volgograd, Russia.
The author is also a host on an International Podcast titled "Three Men for Thee".
For additional information from the author
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